Dijamin original dan bergaransi
Aksesoris audiometer Maico untuk pengecekan konduksi suara melalui udara (air conduction).
Headset air conduction ini khusus digunakan untuk audiometer diagnostik Maico dengan seri minimal MA 33 ke atas. Body headset dibuat kedap dan kokoh untuk memastikan hantaran gelombang suara yang sesuai dengan pengujian yang dilakukan.
Cara menyimpan dan merawat headset air conduction :
Pure tone audiometric air conduction testing is performed by presenting a pure tone to the ear through an earphone and measuring the lowest intensity in decibels (dB) at which this tone is perceived 50% of the time. This measurement is called threshold. The testing procedure is repeated at specific frequencies from 250 to 8000 hertz (Hz, or cycles per second) for each ear, and the thresholds are recorded on a graph called an audiogram.
Medicalogy jual aksesoris audiometer headset bone conduction dengan harga murah. Hubungi kami di email [email protected] atau telepon/WA di 0812 9820 0042.