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harga Ventilator Synovent E5 Mindray

Ventilator Synovent E5 Mindray

Berat: 123.0 kg SKU: 80000YRM No Registrasi: AKL 20403310599

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The SynoVent E5 is the ventilator you need with the interface you want. It does not only include advanced ventilator functionality for patients ranging from infant to adult, but also a modern, easy-to-use interface.

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Deskripsi Ventilator Synovent E5 Mindray

Synovent E5



The SynoVent E5 is the ventilator you need with the interface you want. It does not only include advanced ventilator functionality for patients ranging from infant to adult, but also a modern, easy-to-use interface. The display can be configured to suit each clinician’s taste and needs, and gives quick and easy control over ventilator parameters and settings. The 12.1’’ screen can display up to 4 simultaneous waveforms or 2 loops as well as 25 monitored parameters. With a cleverly designed user interface that combines a touch screen with direct access knobs the user will quickly learn to navigate the SynoVent E5 to effectively put all of its features into clinical use.
As the SynoVent E5 can deliver tidal volumes in the range 20-2000 ml, it is suitable for operation in both infant and adult care. It supports up to 14 ventilation modes including but not limited to SIMV, PRVC, APRC, DuoLevel and NIV. Mindray’s world class gas analysis technology can also be integrated for EtCO2 monitoring.
A total of 6 external connections ensure that data can be stored or shared in several different ways. Using the Beneview patient monitor series the SynoVent E-series is able to connect seamlessly to both HIS and CIS systems with ease.
The optional C3 compressor can be integrated to secure ventilation in an environment without central gas supply. For further adaptation to different surroundings the SynoVent E5 is configured for mounting on a trolley or a pendant.

Diskusi Ventilator Synovent E5 Mindray

TTommy Setiawan  

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