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harga Edan i15 Blood Gas Analyzer

Edan i15 Blood Gas Analyzer

Berat: 0.0 kg Brand: Edan SKU: 54100UKS No Registrasi: AKL 20101812595

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Portable, easy to use and performs a flexible panel of tests from a single platform - enabling you to more quickly and effectively monitor and manage your patients. 

Deskripsi Edan i15 Blood Gas Analyzer

Blood Gas and Chemistry Analyzer (POCT)
With a brand new POCT device specially designed for critical cares, i15 is portable, easy to use and performs a flexible panel of tests from a single platform - enabling you to more quickly and effectively monitor and manage your patients. We’re looking forward to providing a one-stop solution which covers various applications from emergency departments to clinical labs, from ICU to surgery centers, from anesthesia departments to respiratory cares.

Small and portable
Small size (238*153*310mm) bedside testing
Weight less than 5 Kg (including battery) Portable and easy to use at different sites of patient care
Build-in high capacity rechargeable battery, AC/DC automatic switching with intelligent charging

Convenient operation, accurate and reliable results 

  • 24 hours standby without consumption 
  • Maintenance free
  • Fast, accurate, and convenient build-in automatic calibration
  • Automatic sample aspiration and constant temperature measurement assure accuracy and reliability. 
  • Results in 1 minute after sample aspiration

Powerful Data Management Function 

  • Wired or wireless networking capability
  • Seamless integration with LIS/HIS
  • USB ports for data transfer 
  • 10,000 patient data storage

Flexible Intuitive User Interface

  • Friendly user interface
  • Color LCD touch screen display and "traffic light" indicator 
  • Build-in multimedia tutorials

Human-centered design for test cartridge and reagent kit

  • Flexible menu on single cartridge: Blood gases, Electrolytes, Metabolites, Oximetry, Coagulation etc.
  • Long cartridge storage life at room temperature, ready to use at any time 
  • Innovative build-in gas design reagent kit, no need for external cylinder, flow meter, pressure reducing valve, etc.

Product Availability 
The availability of In-Vitro Diagnostic products and services described on this website, and the descriptions of such products and services, may vary in your country or area. Please consult Edan's sales representatives or agents for In-Vitro Diagnostic products and/or services information.


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